EMDR Refresher – January 10, 2025



When we are first introduced to EMDR in basic training, there are many experiences we may have. We may gaze in wonder in this new (to us) intervention, we may become overwhelmed by the technicality of it all, we may feel as though it is not a great fit for our personality due to the structure. Some of us, as we start learning more, become overloaded with additional protocols.

This training gets back to the basics, and reviews the EMDR standard protocol as a person centered intervention. Let’s take the power of EMDR, and let’s integrate it with your personality and practice without removing anything. Whether you use EMDR every day and want to recenter your practice, or you have not been using it and wish to get back into it, this training is for you.


  1. Participant will demonstrate creative uses for phase 2 interventions
  2. Participant will demonstrate phases 4,5,6 in practice sessions.
  3. Participant Client will discuss the importance of doing a thorough phase 1.
  4. Participant will discuss how to assess for dissociation.
  5. Participant will discuss the AIP model and how it pertains to their clients.
  6. Participant will discuss the three pronged approach and why it is important.


  • If you register for the Virtual Classroom training, make sure you have a good WIFI connection.
  • Your computer will need a camera for you to be visible throughout the entire training to receive the certificate.
  • We will be using Zoom for the training, and I will send you a link by Tuesday evening the week before the training.
  • You will need to download the Zoom program to be able to use the link.
  • Please note that during the training there will be one 15-minute break.



Nik has been a private practice counselor at the Center for Counseling and Family Relationships since 2017. He works with children aged (4+), adolescents, and adults, specializing in complex trauma, dissociative disorders, and play therapy. Previously Nik worked at an agency in Missouri providing play therapy to children in the foster care system. He offers continuing education to professionals especially within the topics of working with developmental trauma, dissociative disorders, and play therapy.

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