Clinical Supervisor Training


The Clinical Supervisor Training course prepares participants to become a supervisor and identify the needs of their supervisee whether supervising for their employer, as a Supervisor for the state licensing boards, or to apply for a Clinical Supervisor credential with an association. This training is unique from other Supervisor Trainings with an emphasis on building a relationship through a selection of activities and creating a plan for growth for a supervisee. This course explores a recognition of the roles and responsibilities of supervision as well as a comparison of supervision theories including theory based, non-theory based, and newer research-based perspectives. The process of interviewing, selecting a supervisee, and ethical guidelines in supervision will be examined. Electronic documents and ethical paperwork will be provided to participants as part of the training including an informed consent, contract, telehealth informed consent, release form for off-site supervisees, leave of absence, and a remediation plan. Participants will select from methods, techniques, and modalities of supervision to personalize to their clinical setting. The training includes evaluations for both the supervisee and supervisor throughout the supervision process. Participants will be given activities and assessments to encourage dialogue as a culturally responsive supervisor.

SKU: RMJ02OD130 Category: