Texas LPC and LMFT Supervisor Training


May 7-8, 2025

Early bird discount till:  April 16, 2025

July 30-31, 2025

Early bird discount till:  July 9, 2025

September 24-25, 2025

Early bird discount till:  September 3, 2025

November 5-6, 2025

Early bird discount till:  October 15, 2025


9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CST


40 NBCC Hours (Includes 12 Ethics Hours and 3 Social & Cultural Diversity Hours)

CE Hours:

  • 7 hours: Defining & Conceptualizing Supervision; Models

  • 3 hours: Supervisory relationship & counselor development

  • 12 hours: Supervision methods & techniques, Roles, Group, and Multicultural supervision, Evaluations

  • 15 hours: Roles for supervision, Standards of practice, Legal/professional issues

  • 3 hours: Executive and administrative tasks, Planning, Contracts, Record-keeping, and Reporting

ACEP NO. 1705





Additional Information

  • LPC’s and LMFT’s have 90 days to complete the training once they purchase the training.
  • After 90 days, participants will no longer have access to the course to complete the training and would need to re-purchase the training.
  • For LPC’s the training can be used to apply for LPC Supervisor status for 2 years after completing the training.
  • Homework assignments must be completed and approved by Dr. Johnson and an evaluation completed before a certificate will be issued.

Homework Includes

    • A paper to consider self-awareness of personality traits, natural strengths, and gifts to be used as a future Supervisor
    • A Supervision Genogram of past supervision experiences
    • A three generation Cultural Genogram to consider generational patterns and life experiences
    • Creating a personal Supervision Contract and Informed Consent from a template given by Dr. Johnson
    • Creating an activity using a movie to raise your awareness of a supervisee’s needs and clinical skills
    • Answering questions to the Board Rules and Code of Ethics for your specific license
    • Read Dr. Johnson’s book Pace Setter to apply a Vision Frame to your current work setting as you consider the addition of supervisees (charge included in training cost).
    • Read The New Handbook of Counseling Supervision (Routledge Mental Health Classic Edition) to consider how to apply the principles as a supervisor and with your supervisees.(**cost is not included in training cost and is an additional cost for each participant**)

Learning Objectives

  1. Create a plan with activities focused on building a relationship and developing a supervisee
  2. Describe the roles and responsibilities in the supervision relationship and how to meet the needs of your supervisee
  3. Compare theoretical frameworks and models of clinical supervision
  4. Examine how to choose a supervisee, what to discuss in the interview process, and ethical guidelines for supervision
  5. Identify administrative procedures and responsibilities related to clinical supervision including a supervision plan, record keeping, and reporting
  6. Select from methods, techniques, and modalities for clinical supervision including individual and group supervision
  7. Describe the use of technology in supervision
  8. Prepare for how to navigate supervisory relationship concerns
  9. Create documents and ethical paperwork to use in supervision for remediation and gatekeeping including an informed consent, contract, telehealth informed consent, release form for off-site supervisees, leave of absence, and a remediation plan
  10. Identify standards of practice, legal and ethical issues, and responsibilities in clinical supervision
  11. Select from three types of evaluations: self-report for self-awareness, supervisor perspective, both supervisee and supervisor completed evaluations
  12. Describe how to provide culturally responsive supervision

Topics Included In The Training

PART I: The Supervision Relationship

The LPC and LMFT Supervisory Relationship

  • Building a Supervision Relationship with the Supervisee
  • Roles When Supervising a Supervisee
  • How to Incorporate Your Personal Strengths
  • How to Meet the Needs of Each Individual Supervisee
  • The Goals of LPC and LMFT Supervision
  • Resources for Supervision- 21 Assignments and Activities to Use in Supervision
  • Expressing Positive and Negative Characteristics of Past Supervision/Setting Goals & Expectations for Supervision
  • Up to Date List of All Possible Associate Sites in Dallas/Ft. Worth by Specialization (to assist Supervisees with finding possible sites)

Theories and Models of Supervision

  • Theory Based and Non-theory Based Models of Supervision
  • Integrated Developmental Model of supervision (combined with a compiled list of the most common events that occur in mental health to address with a supervisee to prepare for the future)
PART II: Ethics in supervision
  • Practical Tools for Evaluation, Informed Consent, Contracting, and Record Keeping
    • Step by Step process to Reduce Liability Risks When choosing Who to Supervise
    • LPC and LMFT Informed Consent Documents
    • LPC and LMFT Supervision Contracts
    • Consent to Video Recording
    • Associate Informed Consent for clients
    • Custom Developed On-Site Supervisor Release and Acknowledgement of Supervisee Responsibilities (for Supervisees with multiple sites or a Supervisor who is not working at the Associate site)
    • Custom Developed Beginning Supervision Checklist (includes information to reduce liability risks and to exceed board requirements)
    • Custom Developed Supervision Weekly Documentation Form for Supervisees (Keeps the Supervisor up-to-date on what the Supervisee implemented since the last supervision session, what needs to be addressed along with holding a Supervisee accountable for notes, treatment plans, call logs, and termination forms)
    • Custom Developed Supervision Logs (specifically designed for LPC Associates and LMFT Associates, including spaces to document the 7 items required by the LPC Board)
    • Evaluations including Custom Developed Evaluations to use in Supervision for both the Supervisee (for self, from supervisor, and for Supervisor) and for the Supervisor
    • Supervisee Leave of Absence Contract
    • Supervisee Remediation Plan

    Multicultural Awareness

    • Multicultural Aspects of Supervision

    Ethical and Legal Guidelines for Supervisors

    • Knowledge of Complaints Against Licensees
    • Increasing Knowledge of Board Rules & Code of Ethics
    • Alternatives to Use for Case Consultation
    • Case Vignettes, Videos, and Dr. Johnson’s Personal Supervision Experiences
    • Knowledge of the LPC/LMFT Code through a comprehensive quiz on the Board Rules and Code of Ethics to later use with supervisees

Virtual Training Information

  • If you register for the Virtual Classroom training, make sure you have a good WIFI connection.
  • Your computer will need a camera for you to be visible throughout the entire training to receive the certificate.
  • We will be using Zoom for the training, and I will send you a link by Tuesday evening.
  • You will need to download the Zoom program to be able to use the link.
  • All homework, 28 hours of the 40 hour training, must be completed within 90 days of registration.  It is recommended to have it completed by the first day of the live training.
  • Please note that during the training there will be two 15-minute breaks in the morning and afternoon and a 30-minute lunch break.

Dr. Rhonda Johnson


She is the founder and owner of the Center for Counseling and Family Relationships, a large, thriving group practice that was established in 2007 and specializes in family systems and trauma-informed approaches. Dr. Johnson is also the founder and owner of CCFAM Training, established in 2012, offering supervision and ethics courses. She is also the owner of Play Therapy Training Resources, established in 2021. Through those companies, she provides continuing education, supervision, and consultations. She is also a teaching fellow for B.H. Carroll Seminary.

Dr. Johnson has supervised Interns and Associates since 2007, both individually and in groups, as well as virtually and live. She has also provided supervision for supervisees within her practice, for those outside of her practice, and for supervisees with multiple sites including community agencies, adoption agencies, and churches.

Approved Continuing Education Provider

CCFAM Training has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7105. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. CCFAM Training is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

This training is non-refundable, unless cancelled by training provider. Event will be cancelled if fewer than 6 participants.


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