This checklist is one page and goes through all the details and reminders of what a client needs to know and paperwork to bring to their initial appointment, including arranging childcare for their children and custody paperwork for minor children.
When required by divorce decree, this form about our practice is given to the Custodial Parent, who has sought counseling for their child, to share with the child’s other Custodial Parent, who needs to be informed of counseling.
This checklist is one page and includes concerns of parents and allows them to select symptoms and behaviors of their child. It also includes questions about exercise, sleep, screen time, and devices.
This checklist is one page and includes: medical and behavioral symptoms along with questions about exercise, sleep, and screen time.
This form is one page and includes questions about the Birth Family and the openness of the adoption.
This form is two pages and includes Birth Family History and Foster Care Placement History.